A large collection of ASCII art drawings of origamis and other related art and design ASCII art pictures.
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origami - Japanese - paper folding
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Art by myflix
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-------------- Akira Yoshizawa's Beautiful Mouse --------------- -1- -2- -3- -4- ________ ____ \. in progress | | /\. | \`\. ________ \ | | / .'`\| \ `\. | \\. ./| | | /.'_,-' \ `\. | \ `\./' | Rotate |________| /,-' `--... `\.| \.. `\.| ````` ````` Fold 2 edges Rabbits fold the long flap while to center mountain folding the single layer ---------------------------------------------------------------- -5- -6- (A) -7- /; /' ) \. ,,--'^\, /-'^\,/' ( \`\ /-'^\,_---~( ,,--'' `, / ``,, ) \ `/ ``,, ) Fold the ./__,.,,__.,,_.._..', /.,,_.._..__`\( \/.,,_.._..__`\( ear flaps | / \ \ ~~(B) `~ ~~ up on both | ./ `\ \ sides | / `\ \ Reverse the head |/ `\\ down again so (A) `\ comes near (B) Reverse fold the head up and the tail down ---------------------------------------------------------------- -8- (A) \. ,,--^\,_ \~^~~^^~~^~^~~^^/| \`\. /'' ``,\ /' ( \ `\. / \ /' ( \ / \ /' ) \ / \ /' ``,, ) \/,_.._..__ __,,_._._\/' `\.| \_/ ~~ (B) ` Thin the tail. Outside reverse fold the nose, bringing point (A) on both sides down near (B) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -9- \-. `\`\. ,,--^\,_ \-.. `\ `\. /'' ``,\ `(``--__ `\ `\. / \ ( '\. `\ / \ ) \ `\/ \ ) \. /,_.._..__ __,,_._._\|___.._,,_,,\ ~~ Tuck the nose in, thin the jaw with reverse folds, and spread the ears ---------------------------------------------------------------- -10- \-. `\`\. ,,--^\,_ /\ `\ `\. /'' ``,( )'``--__ `\ `\. / \) \ '\. `\ / \ | \ `\/ \| ___.._,,/ /,_.._..__ __,,_._._\| ~~ The Finished Yoshizawa Mouse. ====================================================================