Discover the tools and creators behind this site and our support for ASCII art.
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This site utilizes several open-source technologies and resources that help enhance its functionality, design, and user experience. We are deeply grateful for the contributions of the following projects and creators:

  • FIGlet and Fonts: ASCII text transformation on this site is powered by FIGlet technology, along with the figlet.js library for JavaScript. Both are licensed under the MIT License. Special thanks to the artists and designers who have crafted the diverse range of fonts that bring ASCII art to life.
  • Bootstrap: A framework for responsive web design, developed by the Bootstrap Team and licensed under the MIT License.
  • ClipboardJS: A lightweight and efficient library for copying text to the clipboard, developed by Zeno Rocha and licensed under the MIT License.
  • Microsoft Icons: Some of the icons used on this site are provided by Microsoft under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. We thank Microsoft for contributing to the visual design of our platform.

Additionally, this site supports the Respect ASCII Artists Campaign, which emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and crediting ASCII artists for their creative contributions. As a community-driven art form, ASCII art thrives on mutual respect and appreciation for the creators who make it possible.

We extend our deepest appreciation to the developers, artists, and designers behind these tools for their dedication and creativity. Your work makes it possible to build an engaging and user-friendly experience for our audience.