Stay Updated, Stay Creative – Follow the Evolution of ASCII Draw Studio!
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Release History

Welcome to the release history for ASCII Draw Studio! Here you can explore the latest updates, new features, and improvements across each version. Our commitment is to continuously enhance your ASCII art experience, providing tools that inspire creativity and make creating ASCII art even more enjoyable.

Version 0.9 (Release Date: 2024-11-13)

  • New Features:
    • Copy/Paste/Cut: Easily duplicate or remove selections with the new copy, paste, and cut functions.
    • Find and Replace: Quickly locate specific characters or patterns and replace them throughout your artwork.
    • Erase Single Character: Allows you to erase one character at a time, making small adjustments easy.
  • Bug Fixes: Resolved various minor bugs to improve overall stability and performance.

Version 0.8b (Release Date: 2024-10-23)

  • Initial Public Beta: First release of ASCII Draw Studio, featuring core tools for creating and editing ASCII art.

Copyright and Ownership

Copyright © 2024, Injosoft. All rights reserved. ASCII Draw Studio is open for use by everyone, allowing you to create ASCII art for both personal and commercial purposes. However, Injosoft retains full ownership and copyright of the software, and unauthorized reproduction, modification, or distribution of the software is prohibited. While attribution is not required, we appreciate any mentions or backlinks that help promote ASCII Draw Studio.