A large collection of ASCII art drawings of mushroom and other related cartoon ASCII art pictures.
_ _ __ ___ _ _ ___| |__ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ | '_ ` _ \| | | / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ | | | | | | |_| \__ \ | | | | | (_) | (_) | | | | | | |_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/_| |_|_| \___/ \___/|_| |_| |_|
,-=-. / \ ,-- Little Marvin Mushroom get teased a lot because ,' _____ `. of the fact that he looks like "Lord Helmet" `='\(_)/`=' ) ( """
_,---._ ,-- Beijing Mushroom ,' _____ `. '-( \ / )-' \(_)/ ) ( """
_,---._ ,-- Miner Mushroom ,' ,(O). `. '-(-o-o-)-' \(_)/ ) ( """
_,---._ ,' _____/ ,-- French hat Mushroom '-( . . ) \(_)/ )-( """
_,---._ (______ `. ,-- Christmas Mushroom ( . . )-'* \(_)/ ) ( """
_,---._ (______ `. ,-- Santa Mushroom ( . . )-'* \(_)/ ((()) """
_,---._ \_____/ ,-- Sailor Mushroom ( . . ) \(_)/ )-( """
_,---._ ,-- Metal Mushroom ,' _____ `. '-(|||||)-' |\(_)/| ||) (|| """
Art by CeeJay
_,---._ ,' _____ `. ,-- Shocked Mushroom '-( O O )-' \(_)/ )O( """
Art by CeeJay
_,---._ ,' _____ `. ,-- Yawning Mushroom '-( - - )-' \(_)/ )0( """
Art by CeeJay
_,---._ ,' _____ `. ,-- Greedy Mushroom '-( $ $ )-' \(_)/ )v( """
Art by CeeJay
_,---._ ,' _____ `. ,-- Sad Mushroom '-( / \ )-' \(_)/ )~( """
Art by CeeJay
_,---._ ,' _____ `. ,-- Drunk Mushroom '-( % % )-' \(_)/ )o( """
Art by CeeJay
_,---._ ,' _____ `. ,-- Amazed Mushroom '-( ! ! )-' \(_)/ )0( """
Art by CeeJay
_,---._ ,' _____ `. ,-- Dead Mushroom '-( X X )-' \(_)/ )~( """
Art by CeeJay
_,---._ ,' _____ `. ,-- Sleeping Mushroom '-( - - )-' \(_)/ ) ( """
Art by CeeJay
_,---._ ,' _____ `. ,-- Puzzled Mushroom '-( ? ? )-' \(_)/ )o( """
_ ,'" "`. ,-- Trooper Mushroom _/_______\_ '-.( . . ).-' \(_)/ )-( """
___ __[ ]__ [ _____ ] ,-- This Mushroom is a square. '-[ # # ]-' \|_|/ ]-[ """
,---. ,-- Farroe Mufkatar Mushrom | | | | \,(O)./ (-o-o-) \(_)/ ) ( """
, \\ ~o(_) )))o~88), ,-- Carmen Miranda Mushroom //(_)888(_) `-( *,* )-' \ = / ) ( """
_ / \ / * \ ,-- Merlin Mushroom / * * \ Mushy Magic 'r us / * * * \ / *__*__* \ `-(-o^o-)-' \(_)/ ) ( """
(\ '(_\ ` ' `o_ ` ` |\`) | \) ,-+-. /e=mc2\ ,-- Thomas E. 'Propellerhead' Mushroom ,' _____ `. Always thinking up new inventions '=( . . )=' \(_)/ ) ( """
Art by CeeJay
,-- Just emerged from the ground. qp """""" __ ,'__'. ,-- 3 months old '(..)' )( """""""" _,---._ ,-- 1 year old ,' _____ `. '-( . . )-' \(_)/ ) ( """ _,-=-._ ,-- 3 years old ,' _____ `. '=( . . )=' \(_)/ ) ( """ _,-=-._ ,-- 7 years old ,' _____ `. '=( .-. )=' \(_)/ ) ( """ _,-=-._ ,-- 15 years old ,' _____ `. '_( .-. )_' \(_)/ )"( """ _,-=-._ ,-- 30 years old and has a monocle ,' _____ `. '_(`o . )_' \(_)/ )"( """ _,-=-._ ,-- 40 years old and has lightweight glasses ,' _____ `. '_(-o~o-)_' \(_)/ )"( """ _,-=-._ ,-- 60 years old and has normal glasses ,' _____ `. ( (-o=o-) ) '-=\(_)/=-' )"( """ _,-=-._ ,-- 70 years old and rough around the edges ,' _____ `. ( {-o=o-} ) '==\{_)/==' }"{ """ _,-=-._ ,-- 60 years old ,' _____ `. ( {-o=o-} ) '==\{_}/==' }"{ """ _,-=-._ ,-- 80 years old and have a full beard ,' _____ `. ( {-o=o-} ) '==\{_}/==' ((()) """ _,-="=-._ ,-- 100 years old and somewhat nearsighted ,' _____ `. { {-O=O-} } '==-\{_}/-==' ((()) """ _,-="=-._ ,-- 120 years old and have a full beard ,' _____ `. { {-O=O-} } '===\{_}/===' ((()) (())) _,="""=._ ,-- 200+ years old and the father, grandfather, ,' _____ `. great grandfather, and great great grandfather { {-O=O-} } etc. etc... of trillions of mushrooms "==-\{_}/-==" ((()) There's a wee one right there - hiding in his beard :) ()(..)) ._ .---. ((()))) ( ?.. ) "" '---' _,="""=._ ,-- Too old .. may he rest in peace.. ,' _____ `. He was loved by zillions... { { - - } } But now he has passed away.. "==-\{_}/-==" ((()) ((()))) ((()))) ___ .' `. `.___.' _,="""=._ ,-- But in mushroom heaven, ,' _____ `. the proud mushroom will countinue to live on.. ("`._{ . . }_,'") watching over his little ones.. (~ ( \{_}/ ) ~) (~ ((()) ~) (~'())))`~) ((())))